Shari Sarazin

Shari embarked on her musical journey at the tender age of five. She was molded and greatly influenced by her mother, Margie Barrett Lowe, and her grandmother, Erma Howland Barrett, a published poet, songwriter, and seasoned musician. Many a sunny, summer afternoon were spent in the music parlor of her grandparent’s farm home where Shari’s love of music was born.

Another great influence in Shari’s musical life was her church. Sacred music soon became an important part of her repertoire. In addition to her church, Shari’s school and community offered her many opportunities for musical expression and growth. Vocal music performance and education were the focus of Shari’s studies at University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse. Following her heart, Shari journeyed with her husband to the Western Plains, and raised a family while enriching her musical background with the flavors of the West. She continued to perform & entertain, and shared her talents with generations to come through music education.